WoooHoooo, tmr's the day! Alvina is going to sentosa (: ButBut, too bad fionn baby
not coming yeah, cos diff class! Sooo nobody's gonna stalk with meee):
Awww, tt's kindda sad): Hahas, anwanw, shuck, this few days happended
alot of things & it seriously shuck okay! Gagas, today aft sch, went compass
for lunch at MOS! Ohhhh, ++ buying present for Emily & Azalea yeah! Hahas,
saw ernest, jiawei they all playing catching in compass, so asked us if wanna
join them, so well, since it's still quite early yeah, so just played with them awhile
& I gave up, cos was so tiring climbing up & down! Hahas, but ITS A GOOD WAY
TO EXERCISE(: Hmmmm... Im gonna try it agn nxt time! Hahas.
OMG, why is this happening to me?! When is it gonna stop! Ohgod, can everything
just stoooop, I begged !
was toking to her on MSN yeah, with lots of hahas &&&& !
We both had just escaped from IMH! Ohhhhh(:
Isin't tt cooool! Hahas. So was just chatting chatting like
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