Satuday Party Pics

Okk, so this's saturday party pics yeah! Ohya, did'nt went to the Zoo ytr, was was still fun. Went to watch the sister keeper, really sad. Was crying in the cinema! Hahaha, thank god nanny did'nt watch it. I've been watching movie for the past few weeks- cloudy with a chance of meatball, 500 days of summer, the sister keeper. And tomorrow, gonna catch a movie again, with nanny and cousins. Haha, omgggg! There's 3 show currently I would wanna watch, Jennifer's body, this is it and caroaline. Haha, I seriously enjoy life alot now. I wanna thank my parent for bringing me up to be a really happy go lucky person. Though my life might not be perfect, but im happy with it. Idk why, I suddenly love my life alot, and there's like no stress, troubles or what so ever in my life, everyday is just really great, im like always and forever happy happy happy. Cool huh, yes yi ling be jealous! Haha, but sometimes, idk whether isit a bad or good thing? Haha who cares anw. Ohya, omgggg, I lost my wallet, with like $60 over dollar inside, cards, dental app ........! Was damn sad, haha, and fionn lost her $10 ytr too. Wow? But after thinking, I think God wants me to get a new wallet. But I intend to use the money to get it, but I guess now I gotta ask from my parents money again haha. Okay, nth more! Will try to post soon. Byes :D
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