I'm too lazy to post! Tsk, anw thursday went back to PPS, it's PSLE day. Went to look for my juniors :D, all of them did well, esp my grp okay! Haha, then went hougang mac wif dom and emerson, ate ice cream! Yum. Haha. Then friday afternoon went lunch with emily and to her house, she was playing audition and maple, I was like writting message, with alot of hahaha hihihihi! Everyone was like LOL! Hahaha. Then later went to uncle hs, daryl's 1yr old bday. Was fun I gusss? But i know I ate alot! :) Saturday went vivo, had a haircut, my fringe is kindda like bangs now??? Idk! Then went aunt meg hs, ate alot!!! Played poker cards till 10+ and dad came. Pictures???
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
PPS Transition Camp.
PPS Transition Camp

Hihihi, im back from pps camp ytr at around 6+! I'm dead beat. It's a 2d1n camp, most of the facilitators did not sleep, and stayed up the whole night. So maybe i'll elaborate everything?! Okay, reached sch at around6+ on mon. The first activity we did, was choosing our grp names, and cheers. Anw, my grp the facs were kaijun, zhongwei and zhao chen. And our grp name was like BUTTERCUP?! Hahaha, funny! And played other games, and so on and so far! Shit, cause I forgotten what games we played. Haha, I rem amazing race was damn tired, cos I was the only one bringing the whole grp:( They are like running everywhere laa! And, had tele match, movie screening and night walk, night walk was cancelled half way, due to that stupid ex-pps guard. Complain say we're noisey-_- Eee. Haha. The facs stayed in the it room, with air con. Haha, but some were talking among themselves, playing cards, some at the hall. Haha, so I slept for like 1hr + only, or lesser. Cause I slept at around 5+ in the morninga at woke up at 6+, but was practically waking up and looking at the clock. Haha, so woke up did ME, and proceed to water bombs, omg fun!:DDD Though it;s kindda dirty cos we played at the field. Haha, and I have lots of nicks given by my grp, like aunty banana?! All sorts of funny names la. Haha. And everyone went to slack till3+ gathered them, and break camp. After that, the facilitators enjoyed their pizza. Haha. And went home, saw chen laoshi at the gate, so chatted with her awhile, damn funny la. And then home!, like finally, but was fun srsly! Haha. Hope next yr can be fac again yeah. Haha. Anw, will try to upload more pics if have. And here's the wushu camp pics.
Okay, was using till like 3+ and was really bored, so went out for movie with elizabeth and her younger bro, benjamin. Ben! Haha, caught 2012, was crying in the cinema, haha worst that the sister keeper, and went home at 8+. Maybe not going to wushu tmr if bababra is going back to pps, then i will go back with him!
:DWushu Camp

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Make over of the wushu room.
wushu camp yrend 2009 performance night.
Doodoo dance.
Must watch!!!! HAHA, and jiajun super bhb in the first video bu funny la.So eveyone must watch!!!!! :DDD
wushu camp yrend 2009 performance night.
Doodoo dance.
Must watch!!!! HAHA, and jiajun super bhb in the first video bu funny la.So eveyone must watch!!!!! :DDD
When im with you, i'll make every second counts.
Okok, just got back home not long ago. Went cathay for dinne @ astons, and catched a christmas carol till 1plus. Was like yawning like siao lor!!! HAHA. And I can't get to sleep now, so feel like talking about the wushu camp, okay elaborate, since there's nth much I can talk bout. Hmm.... it's really really really great I swear. Y'know, you can like really get to more peeps in the wushu team, and bond with them! Haha, and those games were awesome, fun and much laughter!!!! And the dodo dance was funny, dodo dodo dodo dodo dodo!!!!! There's like cute version, and lots. The food was also delicious, waw, im drooling already haha. And everyone was like so cute during the camp la, thinking back really makes me laugh sia. Haha. Omg, but now the camp ended, everything will end someday. HAHAHA, sounds sad I know:( Haha. i def would not want to end my life in 2010!:( But who cares??? Haha. Anw, we ought to thank jolene, jiajun, qifeng, lutfil mum, misschng, mrteh for the wonderful & successful wushu camp. It was really great, cheeeeeeers for you guys & mememememe!!!! Haha, for being so hyper huh! HAHA JOKIN! :D, okay, nth more! Tmr, gonna go to great grandma hs around 5++! OMG, before that, i'll be like so bored laaaaa! Byes :X
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Pussycat Warriors.
Hihi, back from 3d2n wushu camp. It was fun, really. Hahaha. My grp members this time was also those very hyper type, im like so lucky, previous time, also hyper hyper. Haha, oh and they were ... err... oh po yai(leader), jill, weiming, weichang, jiayuan and jingxuan. And our grp name is PUSSYCAT WARRIOR!!!!! Remember! haha, damn funny. First day went and played games, at night there's night walk, it should be really damn scary, but mrteh dunt want us to shout so it was just merely walking around the sch-_- Still fun though. 2nd day, early morning did 5bx and kana lectured by qifeng and gotta do reflection, not knowing that it's his b'day and lai seng. so lunch time everyone celebrated for them with a chocolate cake. Played one games, I was like put our boobs in and out, so funny. Another game was dk what, then they keep saying I win one time I yeah and jump up one time? I was like huh? Got meh. Haha. And continue playing games, had amazing race, outside sch. OMG, damn tiring kay, run run run! I was like dying. Haha, and had our outdoor cooking. And performance night, and we were the 2nd.:DDD. Haha, and our score on the first day was the highest. Haha and had our 2nd night walk, which was going in pairs, alone! 3rd day which was today, played games. I went back earlier first as I need to head down to PPS for the camp meeting, until 3plus. And all the facilitator is gonna have a tee. OMG, COOL! Haha. and the camp is on monday! So I leave the camp earlier and not knowing the result, but heard that our grp won the best camper award I think. Tired but fun haha. Will try to upload those pics, provided its it the wushu blog. Haha, ok gonna sleep now! Bye.
Omg omg.
1) I won the best camper award!!!!!!!!!! OMG!
2) My grp, PUSSYCAT WARRIORS won the best grp award!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGGG!!!!!!!!!
HAHAHA. Omg, im like so happy.
Omg omg.
1) I won the best camper award!!!!!!!!!! OMG!
2) My grp, PUSSYCAT WARRIORS won the best grp award!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGGG!!!!!!!!!
HAHAHA. Omg, im like so happy.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I can be your melody.
Hihihi. braces app ytr, so headed down to orchad haha saw joanna,nick and family. So chatted awhile and was late for the app. But tg it's not my turn yet haha. After app, went to have ice cream, really yummy(: Haha. Oh, friday went to vivo with emily, caught coraline in 3D, nice show. Must watch!:D I want to watch 2012 soon! Hahahaha. Okay, leaving for wushu camp soon, on tue. So won't be posting. Ok only found some links in my old templates, others will link you someday. Yeah, nth more, but before I go I wanna say fku!!!!!! Uhhhz, damn pissed off!!!!! hahahaha. But it's ok, I endure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)))))):
Monday, November 9, 2009
Turn out the light
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that♥
Hihi, actually I should be in bed now. But I couldn't sleep so im here posting yeah. Haha. Woke up at 12+ today, and went back to PPS for some kind of meeting, for this year transition camp. Yeaah, im like the fac this year. Haha. Ended everything at 6+! This month is gonna be really busy, having training and camps...! Since I have nth to post, I'll just post about my schedule huh. Don't feel bored please, though it is. SO here it is,
1oth nov-> Wushu training
12th nov-> Wushu training
14th nov-> Braces app
15th nov-> Wushu performance
18th nov->Wushu Camp
19th nov-> Wushu Camp/Transition camp meeting(not attending th meeting)
20th nov->Wushu Camp
23rd nov->PPS transition Camp
24th nov->PPS transition Camp/Wushu training(not attending wushu)
26th nov-> Wushu training
3rd dec->Wushu training
5th dec-> Wushu training
So many training. Shingz. So everything gotta like push back to dec!): Anw, maybe going thailand soon, boomz man! HAHA. Still thinking if to upload those pics ornot, Ok, im tired now. Goodnite! :)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Happy 9th Birthday Nigel Wang!!!!!!!! (:
Hii, today's bro birthday! But celebrated on yesterday @ cabana. Pretty good. What more can you ask, when you have a chicken chop&pussy foot infront of you. Nicenice. :D But before that, went orchad with aunt, bought a dickies bag! Hahahaha. I want that pair of shoe, yes, I really love it alot. Maybe buying next week, I'll see how. If I continue buying, I srsly need to buy more shoe racks. Hahah. I hope, I have everything in the world. Esp, Shoes, bags, Tops, Bottoms, Dresses, and endless money to spend. God! Impossible. Sometimes, I really don't understand someone........
Friday, November 6, 2009
Trying Is Lying.

You lift my feet off the ground,
you spin me around
You make me crazier crazier
Feels like I'm falling
And I'm lost in your eyes
You make me crazier crazier crazier♥
Shingz, im like so bored now! Been on comp for 3hrs plus already. Ytr was totally screwed up, but dinner was great @ aston. Black pepper fish, with potato salad and fries. Yummy! (: Sat's tmr, either head down to town or great-grandma hs! Which one? It's been weeks since I last went to great-grandma hs, omg. Im like the only one that didn't went for weeks, while others all went. Uhh, disgrace. I want back my wallet, esp my money inside, which is impossible. It's lost!!!!!!! Im broke now, anyone can spon me, as I have lots of stuff I wanna get. Like ytr, saw a nice pair of shoe at ion, wallet from top shop. The wallet is really cool, but still considering. Hahaha. Ok, from next week, im having busy schedule. Mon> meeting in PPS for camp. Tue> Wushu training ........ I lost all my links, so decided not to link anyone now.
I want aston fries now!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Saturday Pics.
Satuday Party Pics

Okk, so this's saturday party pics yeah! Ohya, did'nt went to the Zoo ytr, was was still fun. Went to watch the sister keeper, really sad. Was crying in the cinema! Hahaha, thank god nanny did'nt watch it. I've been watching movie for the past few weeks- cloudy with a chance of meatball, 500 days of summer, the sister keeper. And tomorrow, gonna catch a movie again, with nanny and cousins. Haha, omgggg! There's 3 show currently I would wanna watch, Jennifer's body, this is it and caroaline. Haha, I seriously enjoy life alot now. I wanna thank my parent for bringing me up to be a really happy go lucky person. Though my life might not be perfect, but im happy with it. Idk why, I suddenly love my life alot, and there's like no stress, troubles or what so ever in my life, everyday is just really great, im like always and forever happy happy happy. Cool huh, yes yi ling be jealous! Haha, but sometimes, idk whether isit a bad or good thing? Haha who cares anw. Ohya, omgggg, I lost my wallet, with like $60 over dollar inside, cards, dental app ........! Was damn sad, haha, and fionn lost her $10 ytr too. Wow? But after thinking, I think God wants me to get a new wallet. But I intend to use the money to get it, but I guess now I gotta ask from my parents money again haha. Okay, nth more! Will try to post soon. Byes :D
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