Tired! Been having wushu training EVERYDAY! Been having training for the whole week, for 3hr +! Mon another one, tue & wed, actual performance! Yeah, for the p6s. Pei Hwa Wushu Mass Display I think. Haha. Yeah, get back all result. Hmm... overall, not that good. So this is my EOY result.
English paper2- 59/80 ( Haha, highest in class)
Chinese LC- 4/10 (Failed)
Chinese paper1- 39/70
Chinese paper2- 42/60 (OMG, that's a high mark, for me)
Maths paper1- 30/50
Maths paper2- 29/50
Science- 43/100 ( Failed)
History- 27/40Lit- 30/50
D&T- 23/60 ( Failed)
So basically, for eoy, failed sci and d&T! For overall, failed sci only! hahahaha. Overall was 62%! Damn lousy!!!!!): Tmr plan will be like hmm.. shopping during afternoon, bbq at night at dad's colleage condo!? Boring... Haha.
Okk, it's the 28 now, this was my draft on Mon, and did not touched it till now!hahaha. Omg, 2 more days! *Hint. Haha. Okk, off to bed now, nitez! (:
1 comment:
Be happy,just wait for 2 days ! Hope you'll like the presents (:
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