Hahaha! Holy Shit. Got no idea, why im posting at this time. Wow. comp's working, finally!!!!!!!!!! & erm, oops I spoilt my notebook again! Aww, sad.): Haha, last sat, yeah! Went out to town. Reached home aloneee. at 10+! Stayed at nanny house that week. Haha and at that time, only one at home. Cool. Can;t get to sleep till 3++! Wnet bed at 1+ so spent the whole time spamming my awesome. Haha, 100over random shots, thank god awesome wasn't lag. Hahaha. Okay, been having alot alot alot of friendship problems in school. Fuck. but settled all on erm yesterday... These few days was damn tired, "revising" alomost everyday, Sure go crazy! Ohya, I want my LG ice cream ASAP God! It's in
PINK BOMB!!!!!!!!!:D Haha, eng, history & maths was ok! Fuckk. chinese, omg, hardest among all the chinese test I've had before. The passage was like??? I was like "wth is this. shit it. dint understand anything." Omg, so no hope already. Haha. I got no idea why, all the teacher reactions all the same, you see so ohhhh, convo bet. me and missyeo. Funny. She was walking towards me and was like "uhhh what is that two thing behind uhh, cause my hair is like damn fucking MESSY, for sure. always. Haha. And she continued by asking alanna, you can see that two thing right, she started tidying my hair infront of the class, damn paiseh, then she say who is the chair-or vice chair. So I raced up my hand, and she goes. huhhh you uhh. ahyo then your hair..."and I started laughing, it's funny. Another one was mrkoh, was like chatting alot & loudly in the d&t room, started asking the same question, chair & vice chair. so as usual, raced up my hand, and he was like huh youuu, tsk, vice-chairman still talk so loud and so much, next time I hope my daughter won't be like you uhh! Funny!!!!!! Haha. :D I talked alot, alot, maybe can do sales next time, hahaha. Jokin. Cos I really hate people that are quiet, since they don't talk, I will do the talking then. Haha, seriously, I don't mind. Yeah, all the pics are just me, alone. You might be boring of looking at my face but hahaha no choice, I wanna keep this blog full of pics. Sooo I wanna go out soon, yeah soon please. :d
Omg, stop everything please!!!!!! I hate it when ________________!

Bye, cya after exams, which is 5more days! (: