Woohoohoo! Haha, today's the 11 yeah! Ahaha, cool yeah :D. Haha, lesson was boring as usual, had our 2.4 run today for girls, OMG! It was like hell, totally! Super duber tired, Ohwell, anw, i ran finish yeah, but failed though. Haha, so gotta retake yeah, with others!
Aww, that's sad. Haha. Well, at least i tried my best yeah(I tink)! Okok, then aft sch, went science centre yeah, omg! Haha, emily & me was kindda lost there yeah, haha. So went toilet and started camwhoring yeah. Omg, so retard! My face looks so omg, in almost all the photos. Haha. So went back gather, girls board up the bus first, so 5 of us took the back sit! Then followed by the guys, then that's the part, jiawei & co doesnt wanna sit infront, so the bloody cher was like telling us"You girls better go infront and filled up the sit, now immediately"! Fuck, we was like what, we came first? Before that when the guys sat behind, the teacher also nvr ask them go infront, but why us? Fuckkk! Omg, so was damn pissed off, so was like wth? What is this man? So darn unfair!? Omg, thinking bout it, it really pissed me off okay! Ohh, fine, forget it. No point angry over this kind of person!!!! & blogger still doesn't allow me to upload photos, well, sometimes can, sometimes not. What, playing some games? Haha. Last but not least yeah, omgomgomg, time flies yeah, haha it's like alr our 1 month! Awww, that's cooooool yeah. Haha, omg love him loads yeah! Geez, he rock man! So continue to rock on hard yeah baby! Hahaha :DDD
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