Peek-A-Boo Love(:
Hahaha, today's hmm!!!! Bad & good! Ahaha(: Morning, omgg! Din't wanna wake up yeah): I was
tired! Like freaking tired!:( Haha, what to do?! So went to sch with emily yeah.
Reached school, ahaha, went locker then classroom(:
First period, D&T, went to the workshop yeah, & mrChew talkedd bout disgusting stuff that
freaked me out! Tsk. Then went recess, Ahahaha, congrats to Sindy & Felic yeah(:
I bet they know what im talking bout! Then was maths, boring! Chi, super boring! El, ahaha, not that bored cause JX was making me laugh(: Sciii, darn it! Had test & its like kindda hard yeah!
Yesyes, im sooo ohhh gonna fail! Study period, boring, but for the last 5/10 mins, cher told us ghost story! Ahaha, goosebumps(: Lols! Aftsch, went compass, byright should be me & emily only! Ahaha, date yeah! But end up more than 4 ppl went-_- Butt, nah, its okay(: Haha, went bought smth then went hm yeah!(: Boring boring day!:X
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