Heeey, it's sat yeah! And im posting at this timing? Omg, whereby I should still be outside enjoying myself, maybe shopping somewhere in town? Hahaha, okay, went back at 5++ today after my braces app due to EOY(FUCK) See, hardworking ehhh! Hahaha crap. Okay, let's see, put on triangle rubber band(i meant the shape) this time round. Holy shit, damn fucking pain like hell man. I can barely open my mouths, maybe like only half of the size of compared to how I open my mouth last time. ): And can't laugh widely like some crazy girl, and can' talk loud due to this rubber band. Fuck it)))))))))))))))); It's sad uhh, yeah I know. But you know what, mum & aunt was like so happy about it and laughing over it. Y'know why,
1) I won't be able to talk loud and roughly anymore, therefore I gotta talk softly and gently(yuck, omg, so eee) Haha.
2) I won't be able to laugh fucking fucking loud, therefore I gotta laugh gently and softly.
3) I won't talk so fast like some machine guns, therefore I gotta TRY to talk slowly, therefore it's benefit to them as they can finally understand what im talking about.
4) Bro laughing at me when im eating sushi, as as as I can't even stuff the sushi in my mouth, wtf, it just stuck there.
5) Therefore, they(mum,dad,aunt,bro) hope that I can be more gentle, talk like a girl, behave like a girl, so as not to scare of people(HAHAHAHA), and not to attract people looking at me in the public due to my laughing!(HAHAHAHAHA).
But let me tell you guys man, I still won't be more gentle! I'll still laugh damn fucking loud in the public, and talk loud, hahahahahahahaha! O.ops, better not tell mum about it. Yeah, the one who expect me to be gentle! Haha. & nanny, omg, was drinking water with 2 straws as usual, she started asking me, omg, your using 2 straws? I was like yeah, Hahaha why? She was like, no wonder laaa...? I was like no wonder what???? She din't wanna tell me, but Im still gonna find out myself. (; Hahahaha. And my bro suck. He been copying me what Im doing, damn irritaing okay, copycat laaa! Haha, damn pissed off by him, copycat. Hate copycat=bro! Hahahaha. Aww, EOY starting on 5oct. Sad, so won't be posting till eoy is over. Bye, but still tag yeah! Thanks. Loves (:
P.S/ & I love my dad lots. Thanks for all the support & stuff you bought for me. (: